Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So Ryder Ryder~~~ why do you have to always get sick, poor baby!!??? Ryder has another double ear infection.....BAD, PAINFUL....stupid ear infections!!!! I wish that we could just take away all this stupid sickness, pain away.....but we are hanging in here....We just feel bad for him.

Greg and I are well.... yesterday was my bday.....27 yay...no grey hair yet!!! surprisingly huh!? jk. I've wanted a costco card for like EVER!!!!! finally I got one for my bday! and a couple other things....but oh that costco card..... LOVE IT!!!!!!!

Moving this time has been different for us....my attitude about moving in all quick, and making the house look all cute within a few days this time.....so is not happening....i could care less. Greg and I are so wiped out from the stress of EVERYTHING that i'm like agh...who cares. So we have a sh-load of boxes packed up high on my back porch. Instead of staring at them and letting it bug me, I walk by and could really care less. HAHA....how bad is that!!??? I'm like agh, i'll get to it when my energy is back, and when I'm up to it. But today's not that day. No worries....i'm not depressed or anything!!! haha....I just am not in the mood to unpack the mess. ...n ot to mention Ryder wants noone but his mommy. After all the pokes and probs at the hospital, Ryder just wants his mom!!! and I can't blaim him...but it's ok I love him....he's such a CUDDLEBUG!!!!

Thats us : ) this week.


Coree Adams said...

Let me know if i can help you unpack!

Melanie said...

Hi Kira! I'm so so sorry to hear about all the stressful things you guys are going through!! I hope Ryder gets better fast. Poor kid has been through SO much! Wish I could help you unpack. But I bet it's nice to at least be in your new place now!

Staci said...

Is Ryder home now? How is he doing? We are praying for him and you and Greg!

Adam and Emily said...

Happy belated Birthday!I totally understand the packing and moving and unpacking stuff...totally stinks.

The Pages said...

Sorry yes he's out of the hospital.

busch bunch said...

wow sounds like you have had one heck of a time!! where did you guys move to? i feel like i haven't talked to you in forever!!