Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sorry it's been a while! We don't have the internet at our place!!! eeek! But I'll try to update this, Lil' Ryder has been sick with a cold, thanks to me : ( he's been coughing and sneezing, and fussy...poor guy! but he's getting better! yay!

Ryder got to meet all of his Wilstead side of the family! My brother Aaron, who Ryder got his middle name from, came home from his mission a week and a half ago....It was adorable to see Aaron hold him....BUT when we walked into the airport....there was my sisters and their families from WA and UT...they surprised us all!!!!

It was great....well I'll have to update the rest later, cuz Greg called...and Ryder woke up screaming....for me, I'm sure....lil' mama's boy!

Ryder is still kickin' butts, and takin' names....we love that kid!


Coree Adams said...

haha I'm glad to hear he is doing good. Blasted colds! They are so hard to deal with, especially with babies.

Brady and Rachel said...

So glad to hear things went so well with the doctor. Hope he gets over the cold soon though. Prayers have definitely been answered and you guys deserve all the blessings you are receiving. So glad things are going well!! Love you guys!

3in3mom said...

was great to see you and your family the other day! Ryder sure is a sweetie, sorry he got sick.

If you'd ever like me to take pics of him, just let me know.