Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life has been the same here for us....busy! Sorry it's been a long time since I blogged about Ryder.

He's been keeping busy with therapy...monday's are developmental specialist day w/ Lindsay, Tuesdays is his P. Therapy w/ Linda (he cries when she leaves cuz he loves her SO much! he's been with her forever!) Wed & Thursday are his Speech and Feeding therapy with Karen, and Friday is occupational therapy with Debbie.

He's been doing well with all of them. Each therapist comes in and looks like they are playing, but they are really working him....shh! dont tell Ryder! jk. Linda is aggressively working on getting him loose in his muscle tone, and trying to teach him to roll, and scoot. He hates it! It tires him quickly, but then when she goes to leave he's so sad! It's to cute.

Ryder Goes in for his surgeries on March not to far away! eeeek! No actually we are excited for it. His Mouth needs the surgeries! and his ears are getting tubes! yay! hopefully no more ear infections! poor kid has one or 2 twice a month.

Dr Mancuso will be doing the surgeries. Ryder will be at Banner Desert. Probably just for that day, or two. He'll be miserable for that week, with a swollen mouth and achy ears. But he's a trooper.

So random story here!!!!! You know the Doctor that is responsible for all this stuff with Ryder???!!! the one that is at fault for his premature birth/ CP???? Well Over this past year I have met six people that went thru similar situations with this Doctor.....and now ANOTHER!!!!!!

Greg was at work and ran into an old roomate and his wife. When they heard about Ryder's situation, she asked, "who was your doctor?" When Greg said the Doctor's name.....the girl about jumped out of her seat....completely upset, to say the least.....because she went thru the EXACT same thing with the SAME doctor! !!!!!!! but her daughter didnt get my lawsuit I have SEVERAL patients of hers that are willing and ready to fight for Ryder. Crazy huh!!!!!??????
I just have one more thing of medical records to get, but the hospital wants $100.00 for them.....ugh! but that hundred dollars will be worth it, esp for Ryder's future.

Well thats us...Greg loves his new job at U of P. I'm well to...just the same as usual staying home with ryder so he doesnt get sick!


Staci said...

I don't know if his ears will be achy after tubes.. both my boys got tubes and they didn't even seem to notice.. it was so smooth. I was the worried one, but they woke up and didn't seem to notice.. except that they didn't get any more ear infections. I hope your surgerys go well! Also.. it is possible to do a class action law suit if you have that many people that were affected.. I don't know if they are interested in suing as well, but if they are it may make it less expensive for you to persue if all of you go together.. just an idea you may want to look into! Good luck on everything! Ryder is so blessed to have such great parents!

Marilee said...

Good luck with everything in the next couple of weeks--we'll be praying for Ryder. You are amazingly strong parents!!

Shiloh McKinnon said...

Doctors like that make me so mad! He is adorable and I seriously want to eat him!!! I still want to meet him. we will have to get together!

Jenn said...

That is so funny that Dr. Mancuso is doing Ryder's ears. That's who did Brielle's when she was two, and he is great!! It was so fast, she was done in 15 minutes, if that.

Brady and Rachel said...

GOSH, you guys keep busy with all the therapy. I knew that, just didn't register till I saw the schedule. Ryder is getting GO BIG! LOVE the pic in his high chair. TOO CUTE, what a cute guy! Hope all the surgeries go well, he is in our thoughts and prayers. Crazy all the other patients that have had problems with that doctor. Hope that definitely helps though in your case. Hang in there guys, you guys are so strong and faithful, great examples! Thanks.