Friday, May 9, 2008

So I promised pics, finally I posted some! they are all from today, and last night! he's growing fast! and doing great!

His Therapists are working with his alertness...they want him to sleep more, but lil' Ry just wants to see the world! He has slept mush better lately! even sleeps in the crib... so mommy gets some sleep, finally! Its so weird one day he just changed, sleeps, doesn't fuss as much, poops, makes noises, smiles A LOT! he focuses on your face, when laying on a blanket...he scoots up the blanket...only cuz his leg muscles are SO strong! he does a lot of stuff thats way to advanced for his adjusted age ( 1 month ) Its pretty crazy...the therapists want him to slow it down...but we'll see he's a pretty determined kiddo!

cute baby boy...

This outfit was Greg's as a baby...I had to try it on Ryder! adorable.

he's a BIG face toucher!

his look is changing!

rollie pollie arms...

so alert!

making noises....talking....yes, already!!!

staring at the light...

loves the camera....

so all his therapists don't like his thumb positioned like this, not good!! so we are working on correcting it! (it shouldn't be tucked.)

so sleepy!

Squirming away!!


Alicia said...

Hey Kira,
I'm the person who said "hi" at Valerie Jones's wedding, who found your blog through a friend... (If you don't remember, that's fine.) Anyway, so glad that Ryder's doing so well. He's such a cutie! Keep the pictures coming!

Shiloh McKinnon said...

You can see the wheels a turnin' in that little guys head! =) So Cute!

Coree Adams said...

He is seriously so cute! I love his hair!!

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

I am glad Ryder is doing well, and happy to see pictures! Thank you so much for keeping this up! I feel so out of touch with you and it stinks!
By the way we are expecting a baby in December! All is well here besides morning sickness... but I will live! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Ok so I win the horrible friend award. It has been so long. I am so glad Ryder is home. Those little ones are so amazing! I got really frustrated with the doctors sometimes when they would tell me not to feed Emma more than a certain amount or not to let her cry. Yeah, right. I say let Ryder go as fast as his little body will let him. What a cutie!!!!
love you