Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We got home today. Ryder's surgery itself went well. Coming out of anesthesia was the scary part. Apparently Ryder had some issues there. I didn't dig for the details, because I didn't want to know. From what I know, Ryder Choked....or something. He stopped breathing, and they had to stimulate him to get him to breath. The nurse said something about suctioning him. I don't know if that was from aspiration or what???? I didn't want to know...I was already scared.

Well ten minutes after surgery, I told Greg it was ok for him to head to work (he had to go, because he's still in training). Greg left...within the five minutes of leaving Ryder reacted to the medicine the anesheseologist (sp?) gave him to get rid of the secretions in his throat, lungs...( the stuff he choked on). Well Ryder's body started to turn all blotchy red, some people do that as a side effect....but then Ryder turned ALL red, with high blood pressure and a high fever. I was terrifed, and alone with just the nurses. A bunch of nurses that came to help didn't think before speaking, but they all said "oh wow! he's so red! I've never seen that happen!" Then Ryder's nurse kindly asked them to not say that, cuz I was already scared. The Doctor came and checked him out and said that it was just a reaction, and that it would go away in a few hours. The redness did last about 3 hours or so, and those hours were filled with Ryder screaming the whole time. In order to keep him kind of calm I had to stand and bounce this twenty eight pound kid....i stood all 3 hours! My mom showed up to help, but nope Ry wanted mommy.

Then for pain all he could get was tylenol. It was crazy....THEN!!! Ryder decided he no longer wanted to eat. Dr Mancuso said it was a neurological thing...after the choking he feared to swallow....even his spit. So that was scary as well. Then Finally yesterday afternoon he ate normal again.....ugh. Thank you Greg! Greg was so sweet with him, and for some reason for Dad Ryder would kinda eat, then he snapped back into his eating now today we are home! yay!

He talking more, and eating's great! This kid scares us from time to time, but then it's all ok. What a kid, he's so wonderful! He's telling me stories now....and babbling about his Dad.... haha. To cute.

Thanks for Prayers, and your comments.


Shelly said...

that's so hard I remember when Kayli had her first eye surgery and coming out of the Anastasie was the worst! The things kids have to endure.

3in3mom said...

wow, you are amazing Kira! I adimre you in all you are doing to be strong. I'm glad Ryder is doing well now. HUGS

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

I am glad that is over! Kids love to scare us mommas! give him a hug for us, and Hugs to you too momma, glad you have great family around!

Shiloh McKinnon said...

SCARY! Ryder just likes to keep you on your toes! Glad all ended well. Hes amazing!

Shelbi Whittaker said...

How Scary Kira!! Im glad its over and you guys are home. good luck!

by...K@ Ashcroft said...

You families and dealing with babies and surgeries just amazes me. The strength and stamina you all have. Ashley Adams (Coree's) had her surgery the same day as Ryder ( I think) she is in NICU this week recovering. It is such a difficult thing to go through but so necessary for their futures and I see what strength comes from it all.

Adam and Emily said...

I'm so happy that everyting worked out for you!

Miss Niss said...

glad to hear everything went well with the surgery! he is such a trooper!!!

Staci said...

I really hope you keep a journal of all your thought and prayers and emotions.. you are such a strong lady and you are going to be able to look back on all of these trials and find strength. YOU ARE AMAZING! Nothing is more scary that watching our babies suffer. I am so glad everything turned out okay!

Marilee said...

Glad you're home and all is well!

Coree Adams said...

I am so glad that the surgery went well. I HATE anesthesia! Ashlee always has a rough time after surgery too, totally different reasons, but it is still scary. I'm glad we got to be neighbors, sorry we couldn't see eachother on better terms or for longer!!

The Gundies said...

I can't even begin to understand your trials, but I am glad you are kind enough to share them with us. We love Ryder and you guys are the most awesome friends. I always think about how blessed we all are even with our problems. I don't know about you, but I am so thankful for Ryder, because he makes my life look like a piece of cake. If I have a bad day I need to think about what this guy goes through on a daily basis and humble myself up a bit.

Brady and Rachel said...

Gosh! Ryder is definitely giving you guys a ride. He knows just how to keep you guys alert! So glad all was okay in the end.