Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Today mommy came in to see me, and she was shocked to see me with nothing helping me to breathe! They took the nasal prongs off, and I am breathing just like all of you! no oxygen, nothing! and i'm doing well with it. (HUGE! STEP!) Mommy was so happy!

Today I also was found all the way at the top of my incubator...I want out so bad, that I pushed my little body all the way to the top...and was sucking on my fist! haha!

I also had physical therapy today...which went well....but my right side is weaker then the left....which means I can have CP still....but it can be minor.... only time can tell.

My burn is totally healed! it looks all better!! For now there is a scar...and its pretty bad, but through time that will heal more too.

The things I need to work on learn to suck swallow & breathe with a bottle....and keep my temp up w/out help....and learn how to poop all by myself! <---thats my biggest issue at the moment...sad huh?? I also weigh 3 1/2 lbs! I'm getting closer to 4 lbs! yay! at 4 lbs I can get out of my incubator, and lay in a big boy crib.


Diane said...

congratulations ryder! and yay for mommy & daddy too. all the more reason to be smiling..

Coree Adams said...

YAY!!!! No more oxygen! That is awesome. Good job Ryder!

Shiloh McKinnon said...

It was fun to chat! He is so adorable! Way to go Ryder! You will be home in no time!

Kelly said...

Kira he is so handsome!! Thats great he is doing so well.