Sunday, February 17, 2008

Today our lil' man is great...he is in an open bed....and doing wonderful! he had a small desat (not enough oxygen) yesterday, but it was while we were trying to bottle feed him. Since he did that while trying to drink a bottle, we all decided it is better to wait on bottle feeding for a week. The seizure may have been a false alarm, but we'll never know. They watched him closely for 2 days and there were no signs of seizures. So now our lil boy is just growing away!

He's now 4 lbs 1 oz and getting fatter....he actually fit in some preemie clothes we got him! but most of the preemie clothes he still has lots of room to grow!

We hope he'll be home in around a month...but its all up to him! : )

***this pic was of him today, he loves to suck on his hand.


Coree Adams said...

HOW CUTE IS THAT?? I love it. Yay for Ryder! Keep it up buddy!

Diane said...

glad to hear the wonderful news.. he is sooo cute!

Alisse Baldwin said...

He looks SO big!

Anonymous said...

I have this little shirt for you. Things have been crazy, but I am supposed to be in town sometime this week. When I find out I will give you a call and we can meet up.

The Tuck Family said...

He looks so good! Hooray guys...our prayers are always with you.