Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So today Ryder had Physical therapy and it was so freakin' cute...Linda brought a special feeding chair for special needs babies. Ry LOVES it!!! He's all strapped in and able to sit and play with toys on the tray. I'll post pics later! It was so wonderful to watch him finally able to play with a toy sitting up! What a cool kid.

So as if we don't have enough to worry about with his health....next monday Ryder's going into Phoenix Children's Hospital for a minor surgery.... circumsicion (Sp?) In the NICU he was so small and anemic...he had 2 blood tranfusions so there was no way they'd attempt that there! Now his nerves are to developed down there that he can't get it done in a DR's office.
So, his surgeon wants to take a different approach on this procedure then usual.
Because of Ryder's past "scary times".....(all the health scares, and apnea, heart issues... and so on....) The Dr isn't doing it at Banner Desert like he would w/ any other kiddo....it's not going to be outpatient either.....INSTEAD....he's doing it Monday at PCH in-patient surgery. He'll put Ryder completely under, so the pain won't over stimulate his little fragile body. Then they will keep him monitored for at least 24 hours. Its not the snippin' we're worried about, it's the putting him under part : (
He's been put under before for a surgery in the NICU and that wasn't fun! ugh. So wish us luck! I laugh because this kid never gets it easy! He has a tooth popping in, and he has an ear infection...then this...haha. POOR KIDDO! but he's a tough one. He'll handle it.

Greg and I are well. We have our moments that all this hits us, and tears are shed...but after, we are ok. We take it a day at a time. That's all you can really do to stay strong. Nothing new with us, we just play w/ our lil' guy all day. And oh does Ryder love it! and we do too. We keep trying to cheer him on to just roll over already!!

Greg's been working. I've been trying to get all this crap together for a law suit....For those who didnt know.Ry's condition is due to a Doctor's mistake. We were not planning on suing, til MANY people convinced me otherwise....just for Ryder's sake...and future. So wish us luck with that!


Anonymous said...

Love the pic message you sent! We hope all goes well w/ Ry's surgery. I'm glad you're holding the doc responsible. The doc should've taken your needs seriously and investigated if he/she didnt' know what was going on. Some docs are amazing, listening problem-solving docs and others just have a degree. It would be nice if one could tell who was what, but it's hard. Anyway... We love ya tons! we're rootin' for ya!

Coree Adams said...

Wow Kira good luck with the law suit. I say go for it. If its a doctor's mistake, you guys should get something out of it to help with medical bills and everything. Also...I will be praying for Ryder and his upcoming snippage. He is so strong and I am so happy that your doctors are taking such precautions with him. I would be very pleased with that. Also...you are so strong. You have to be. I know because I know...:) Remember though, be strong but if it gets to be too much, just let it all out and cry. I go for weeks or days or months being strong and just putting on my game face and getting thru life and all of Ashlee's struggles being strong. Every now and then I break down. I always pick myself back up again, but sometimes you just need to cry, show your weakness to the Lord and ask him to make you strong again. If I didn't allow myself that moment of weakness every now and then I wouldn't be able to be so strong for Ash. I feel such a connection to you and other moms out there who go thru these things with their kids. It is NEVER easy, but we can do it. HUGS!

by...K@ Ashcroft said...

Love love love the blog all deck'd out in Halloween stuff.
You are all so blessed and I know it is more apparent with all the stuff with Ryder.

Brady and Rachel said...

Our prayers will be with you guys and little Ryder. Also good luck with the law suit. Wish you guys the best. Hang in there.

The Gundies said...

Sounds so awful, but I am so glad you are suing! You shouldn't ask for anything less than a better life for Ryder. I keep saying his life will be wonderful with the family he is apart of and all, but it could have been better and someone needs to make up for that. This is not frivolous, it's getting someone to take the responsibility for complicating a life. My hats off to you! You have a long road ahead of you, but don't give up. Call if you need a listening ear Kira or Greg!

Shiloh McKinnon said...

I totally understand when you say how he can never catch a break. Been there done that and it sucks! I felt like we kept piling on the issues for the first year or two with Kadence and it was hard. Lets just say that those micro preemies come strong. These kids go through more in their first year than most people will ever go through in their whole life!