Saturday, September 27, 2008

Thanks for all the comments! We are blessed to have such wonderful friends!! Thank you!

So yesterday I took Ry for a well check appointment. Dr. Leavitt is SO GOOD! As he checked lil' Ry out he said, "oh he has a an ear infection...and popping out a tooth." I thought, "hmm, I had no idea he has not really fussed lately...but that explains why he wont fall asleep!" So of course after Dr leavitt said out loud that Ry had an ear infection, Ry decided oh I guess I can scream and cry the past 24 hours have been "fun" for us : (
Poor kiddo, he never gets it easy! They also pricked his toe to test his blood count....and he slept right thru it. What a kid! Dr. Leavitt also said Ryder is def at risk for mental retardation....we pray that doesn't happen. After a year old or so they can usually tell if he is....if he continues to miss major milestones, he could be. So he better roll over soon!!! and start saying words! crazy kid.
He's in the 1% for weight...and 26th % for length.....he's not catching up quickly due to his CP. But I was happy yesterday to see he's now in 6-9 month clothes! yay! now I have to get him bigger clothes.
He started a new occupational therapist this week...Anthon MCclaws....he's so good! Ry was so lucky to get w him. He told us Ry needs toys w/ only one button so he's not to overwhelmed....and he needs more toys! if anyone wants to get rid of toys or baby boy clothes we'd be more then happy to take them off your hands. Ry can always use new toys to stimulate his brain. Ry also starts feeding/speech specialist monday. We are excited for that! he desperatley needs that!
Greg and are are doing okay still. It's hard though, but we hang in there.


Jared said...

No matter what the outcome is. Ryder is going to be such an awesome kid. He already is because he has such awesome parents!!! I love you guys. Just hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I love Linda so much!!! She is awesome. Tell her hi for me. My heart aches for all you are going through. I had all those therapist come for Emma too.
I went to Nauvoo to see my parents on their mission and I was looking through some of my mom's pictures and there was some of my little Emma when she was 10 monhs old and she was wearing these jeans. I looked down at my 3 months old that I was holding and they were wearing the same pants. Emma was so little. It is just crazy how small they can stay. How exciting that he is starting to get bigger!!!
It is so nice to have sucha wonderful family!!! How is everyone??
I don't know if you remember Pam Gerber. (my cabin mom my first year at girls camp-maybe yours?) Anyway, she works for a non-profit organization who helps out people like you and me who need help financially because of their childrens needs. I don't know if yo need help in that way. You have to fill out some paperwork and have be approved, but I can get you the website and contact Pam to look for your name. Just let me know. Hope you have a great day. We are praying for you.

3in3mom said...

I'll look through my kids' toys. . . glad to hear you have good docs to help you on your journey.

Coree Adams said...

He is such a sweetheart Kira. No matter what happens in the future, he will always be a heart melter and bring smiles to all who see him. I need to hold that little boy! Hang in there girl! We should start a little local support group here so we can vent about frustrations and celebrate progress together. Oh ya, you can totally have my phone number...

The Gundies said...

I know it's hard not to worry about your kids, but your parents. That is your life's purpose now. Just know that Aunt Sara is all knowing and I know that Ryder is going to do great things. He has an awesome family and he is loved from every angle possible. Believe it or not his parents are loved from almost every angle too! I think about you guys so much and am so thankful I have the opportunity to be your friend.

Shiloh McKinnon said...

I'll keep praying for this little guy. I still would love to chat with you. call when you get a chance. I have questions for you now. =)